Will the climate-neutral city please stand up?

Track 1 – Regular session

Wednesday, 20th July 2022 from 14:00 to 16:00 | Seminar room 4

Photo credits: frimufilms from freepik.com

Track coordinators: Daniele Vettorato, Silvia Croce (Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy)

Potential journal publication: Please check this page for updates


The New European Bauhaus is asking to urban planners, architects and engineers to shape more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive forms of living together. In the meanwhile, the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan, aims to support the planning, deployment and replication of 100 Positive Energy Neighborhoods by 2025 and finally, fully anchored on the European Green Deal Strategy to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, the Mission Board for climate-neutral and smart cities has posed the ambitious target of reaching 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030.

These are all highly ambitious goals, non-trivial to achieve within the given time frames, considering that 85-95% of the buildings that exist today will still be standing in 2050 and the larger questions are: What is a Positive Energy District/Neighborhood?  What is a climate neutral city? How can they contribute to mitigating climate change while improving quality of life?

We are particularly interested in contributions focused on:

  • climate neutral cities,
  • positive energy districts,
  • smart readiness indicators for districts,
  • Smart urban energy planning to encourage energy systems integration and flexibility,
  • Renewable energy communities and massive deep energy retrofit strategies to fight energy poverty,
  • Co-design processes in smart city development,
  • Blue and green infrastructure to re-nature the city, deliver urban ecosystem services and increase urban resilience,
  • New European Bauhaus, towards beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive cities


  • 514 Wendorff, Jannik – Making the smart city perceptible
  • 535 Van der Roest, Els – Blue-Green roofs with solar PV – A win-win-win situation
  • 545 Pietrapertosa, Filomena – Energy-saving strategies in public buildings: prioritization of measures for the improvement of energy performances in southern Europe
  • 594 Codemo, Anna – Towards integrated and accepted energy transition: sustainable energy planning in urban areas
  • 642 Salvia, Monica – Comparing climate emergency declarations and local climate plans: An analysis of Italian municipalities
  • 666 Fonteyn, Pieter – In plain sight: green views and urbanitesneighborhood satisfaction
  • 659 Haase, Matthias – Energy Master Planning for regions, cities and districts

Download all abstracts of Track1