Batteries on wheels for the regional energy systems of the future – Decarbonisation and automation vehicle mobility as support of the energy transition

Organiser: EVA Project

Friday, 22 July 2022 | 11:30h – 13:00h

Room Seminar 2

Format: Project results presentation and discussion

The project EVA co-financed by ERA-Net SES and lasting from 2019 to 2022 aims to find new solutions to deal with Decarbonisation and automation vehicle mobility as support of the energy transition.


The event will be articulated in a series of presentations which will consent to further discuss the issue:

Mr. Wolfram Sparber (Eurac Research) – Head of the Institute for Renewable Energy

General introduction: Autonomous electrical vehicles. Setting the scene: trends and forecasts for the e-mobility sector

Mr. Andrea Grotto (Eurac Research)

Title of the speech: Mobility of tomorrow scenarios: diffusion of autonomous vehicles and their implications

Given the current high level of uncertainty on the mobility evolution, co-creation activities are used to explore potential future mobility scenarios for Ticino and South Tyrol, through an interactive process and local stakeholders ́ involvement. Findings and results from interviews are presented and discussed.

Mr. Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya, (SUPSI)

Title of the speech: Optimal charging management of autonomous and electric vehicles.

In this presentation, we discuss the need for smart-charging for wide-spread adoption of AEV’s and how we can potentially achieve it in a typical smart-grid environment. We also make a case for using stochastic reinforcement learning as means to overcoming the challenges of uncertainty and imperfect information for optimal charging management.

Prof. Dimitrios A. Karras, (NKUA)

Title of the speech: Integration of EV and Grid IES profiles and relevant business models.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are developed as a possible solution to reach this ambitious goal of making possible decarbonization and a cleaner environment and facilitating smarter transportation modes. This excellent idea of shifting towards an entirely EV-based mobility industry and economy results in a range of issues that need to be addressed. The issues range from ramping up the electricity generation for the projected increase in consumption to developing an infrastructure that is large enough to support the higher demand for electricity that arises due to the market penetration of EVs. Vehicle to grid (V2G) is a concept that is largely in a testing phase in the current scenario. However, it appears to offer a solution to the issues created by a mobility sector that the constantly growing EV fleet will dominate. Furthermore, the integration of EVs with the grid seems to offer various cost-wise and environment-wise benefits while assisting the grid by tapping into the idleenergy of parked EVs during peak hours. This short review presentation aims to present some of the possible ancillary service potentials of such a system while also discussing the potential challenges, impacts, and future market penetration capabilities of V2G technology, outlining IES profiles and potential business models.

Mr. Roberto Vaccaro (Eurac Research)

Title of the speech: The impact of autonomous mobility on future business models.

Autonomous mobility will challenge traditional business models applied in the transport and energy sector, given the potential of self-driving cars to operate as mobile energy storages while, at the same time, providing innovative mobility services. Based on literature review and semi-structured interviews with experts in the mobility sector, EVA explored the potential impacts of the diffusion of autonomous mobility on future business models


Mr. Albedo Bettini (SUPSI) –EVA’s Project Manager

Keynote speakers

Albedo Bettini (SUPSI), Wolfram Sparber (Eurac Research), Charitha Buddhika Heendeniya, (SUPSI), Andrea Grotto (Eurac Research), Roberto Vaccaro (Eurac Research), Dimitrios A. Karras (NKUA)