Discovering untapped potentials of Rural Resources

Track 5 – Special session

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Organisers: Christian Hoffmann (Eurac Research), Philipp Corradini (Eurac Research)

Keywords: Socio-ecological transition, Uncovered rural resources, Governance, Local value chains, Territorial development models

Potential journal publication: To be confirmed


Remote and peripherial rural areas might suffer from societal, political, economic and spatial delimitations in relation to urban centers. However, due to the technical innovations and the detachment of the dependency on space and time, these regions are enabled to exploit their great potential of valorizing their tangible and intangible resources sustainably, also by considering the megatrends like digitalization, climate & demographic change or, in particularly the change of the societal behaviour and expectations.

To this end, we are looking for innovative contributions from groundbreaking practical examples pointing out the findings and outputs of transferable territorial development models that gained an additional added value by exploiting uncovered natural, economic, human, cultural or intellectual resources. Furthermore, we are interested in applied governance models using co-design and co-creation processes that combine research and practical experiences to promote rural-urban relationships and/or intercommunal as well as interregional collaboration for pursuing new transition pathways towards balanced living conditions and spatial justice, which ideally are also aligned with the UN sustainability goals. Additionally, also experiences from applied business models that strengthen local value chains and build on resilient bio and circular economy would be of interest for this session.

The overall target of this session is to uncover hidden potentials to promote the socio-ecological transition towards resilient, smart, and open-minded rural areas.