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Track coordinators: Jessica Balest, Silvia Tomasi, Sonia Gantioler (Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy)
Potential journal publication: to be confirmed (see also Special Sessions for specific journals)
Energy democracy is a concept that recognises that the transformation of energy systems and infrastructures is more than a technological exercise, but that it is inherently linked to social changes and facets, by especially promoting the strengthening of democratic processes and public participation. Various approaches and processes are assumed to positively affect the overall sustainability of energy transition process, contributing to its fairness, by contrasting vulnerabilities and poverty. Energy democracy can take shape regarding for example the participation of civil society movements, forms of social entrepreneurship, or collective and community energy initiatives and deliberative participation. What is missing from the current debate is a clear connection between studies of democracy and forms of energy democracy. By linking the scientific and practical knowledge of these two fields, we can gain a better understanding of how a renewed democracy can help shaping a just energy transition.
We welcome contribution presenting: approaches to analyse energy democracy considering several disciplines such as sociology, law, and anthropology; experiences, laboratories, communities of energy democracy.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Energy communities and energy democracy initiatives
- Energy governance
- Studies on democracy
- Digitalisation and democracy
- Sociological contribution to the energy transition
- Just energy transition
- Socio-technical and socio-ecological transformations
- Energy vulnerabilities